3rdParty (2009-2012) -> AIM

Lukas Pairon was initiator and coordinator of the program 3rdParty, which from 2009 to 2012 brought 4-5 times per year Israeli and Palestinian peace activists to 3 different secondary schools in the city of Antwerp, Belgium, where they met with 18-year old students, explaining them how they continued – against all odds – to dream of and act towards a peaceful co-existence in the Middle East. At the end of each school-year, Lukas took a selection of the Antwerp youth for a one-week trip to visit the peace activists projects and families in the West Bank and Israel.
Following this 3-year program, Simone Susskind set up with the Belgian organisation Actions in the Mediterranean (AIM) a similar program with schools in Brussels, called ‘Israël-Palestine: Pour Mieux Comprendre’.
AIM also develops the programme ‘Women Leaders of Tomorrow’. This programme promotes the political participation of women in the Maghreb through capacity building, advice, training, coaching, networking and exchange of experience.
Lukas Pairon is since 2020 president of AIM.