Saved by music? (article)
article by Erwin Jans (in Dutch)
‘North-South Perspectives in SIMM-research in Kinshasa (DR Congo)’ (article)
intervention @ 4th international SIMM-posium, Bogota, Colombia, 26th July 2019
in English
‘Music and Forgiveness in Kinshasa’ (article)
and also translated in English
What can be the place and role of art and culture in development work?
memorandum for Alexander De Croo
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Cooperation of
the Belgian Government

‘Highlevel new productions for Young Flanders Festival’
interview of Lukas Pairon by Ronny De Schepper, De Rode Vaan, nr.37, 1988
Opera must revert to a certain intimacy
interview by Gunther Sergooris in Etcetera, 15.06.1993